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최소침습 안면리프팅 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 9788993340891
저자명 최소침습성형연구회
출판사 메디안북
출판년도 2019-03-15
판형 Hardcover l 1판 l 117 Pages
정가 70,000원
판매가 63,000원
도서상태 정상공급
포인트 구매금액(추가옵션 제외)의 2%
배송비결제 무료배송

선택된 옵션

  • 최소침습 안면리프팅 (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

원제 : Atlas of Minimally Invasive Facelift

- 안면부 지방이식과 안면거상술에 대한 최신 테크닉과 적응증을 소개

첫 번째 섹션에서는 노화에 대한 다른 이론들과 얼굴의 각 부위 조직의 시간에 따른 변화를, 두 번째 섹션에서는 얼굴부위에 지방을 넣기 위해서 알아야 할 부위별 지식과 최소침습 안면거상술의 방법들을 다루고 있다. 마지막 장에서는 앞에 기술한 것들에 대한 임상적인 케이스를 제시한다.





- 목차 -

Preface ... v
Acknowledgments ... vii
역자명단 ... viii
역자서문 ... ix

Part I. General Principles
1 Theories of Facial Aging: Gravitational Versus Volumetric 3
References 5
2 The Anatomic Basis of Facial Aging and Facial Rejuvenation Techniques 7
2.1 The Skin 7
2.2 Soft Tissues 8
2.2.1 Fat compartments 8
2.2.2 Retaining Ligaments 8
2.2.3 Muscle 8
2.3 The Facial Skeleton 9
2.3.1 The Orbit: Larger Orbital Aperture Area and Width 9
2.3.2 The Midface: Posterior Displacement and Loss of Projection of the Maxilla and Retrusion of the Piriform Area 9
2.3.3 Lower Face: Reduced Length and Width of the Jaw and Increase in the Mandibular Angle 9
References 10
3 Fat Grafting: Principles and General Concepts 11
3.1 Fat Harvesting 12
3.1.1 Donor Site Selection 12
3.1.2 Tumescent solution 12
3.1.3 Selection of the Harvesting Cannula 13
3.1.4 Liposuction 13
3.2 Fat Processing Techniques 13
3.2.1 Centrifugation 14
3.2.2 Washing and Filtration 14
3.2.3 Washing and Decantation 14
3.2.4 Telfa Rolling 14
3.3 Fat Injection 14
References 15
4 Anatomic Reference Points to Consider to Avoid Vessel and Nerve Injury During Facial Fat Grafting 19
4.1 Medial Forehead and Glabella 19
4.1.1 Supraorbital Neurovascular Bundle 19
4.1.2 Supratrochlear Neurovascular Bundle 19
4.2 Temple and Lateral Forehead 19
4.2.1 Superficial Temporal Vessels and Their Branches 19
4.2.2 Temporal Branch of the Facial Nerve 20
4.3 Cheek and Nasal Area 20
4.3.1 Facial Angular Artery(from the Oral Commissure) 20
4.3.2 Infraorbital Neurovascular Bundle 20
4.3.3 Dorsal Nasal Artery 20
4.3.4 Transverse Facial Artery 20
4.3.5 Buccal Branch of the Facial Artery 20
4.3.6 Zygomatic and Buccal Branches of the Facial Nerve 20
4.4 Perioral Area and Lower Third of the Face 20
4.4.1 Facial Artery(Toward the Oral Commissure) 20
4.4.2 Superior and Inferior Labial Arteries 21
4.4.3 Marginal Mandibular Branch 21
4.4.4 Mental Nerve 21
4.5 Cervical Area 21
References 21
5 Complications in facial fat grafting 23
5.1 Bruising and swelling 23
5.2 Infections 23
5.3 Accumulations or cysts 23
5.4 Asymmetries 24
5.5 Reabsorption 24
5.6 Hypo-or hypercorrection 24
5.7 Fat embolism 24
5.8 Damage to Anatomic structures(nerves, arteries, muscle, parotid, or other glands) 24
5.9 Irregularities in the Donor area 24
References 25

Part II. Techniques and Clinical Applications
6 A How to Guide on Structural Fat Grafting, Microfat Grafting, Sharp-Needle Intradermal Fat, Nanofat Grafting, and Emulsion or Fractioned Fat 29
6.1 Donor Site Selection 29
6.1.1 Abdomen 29
6.1.2 Flank 29
6.1.3 Inner Thigh 29
6.1.4 Hip 30
6.1.5 Back of the Thigh 30
6.1.6 Inner side of the Knee 30
6.2 Fat Harvesting 35
6.3 Fat Processing Techniques and Injection 35
6.3.1 Structural Fat Grafting 35
6.3.2 Microfat Grafting and Sharp-Needle Intradermal Fat(SNIF) 37
6.3.3 Emulsion, Fractioned Fat and Sharp Needle Intradermal Emulsion(SNIE) 37
6.3.4 Nanofat Grafting 37
6.4 The Use of Platelet Growth Factors in Facial Rejuvenation 45
References 49
7 Facial Fat Grafting 51
References 52
8 Frontal, Temple, and Periorbital Fat Grafting 53
8.1 Glabellar Frown Lines 53
8.2 Tail of the Eyebrow 55
8.3 Temporal Region 56
8.4 Injection for Crow's Feet in External Orbital Rim 57
8.5 Tear Trough 58
8.6 Treatment of the Hollowing and Herniation of Lower Eyelid Fat Pads and Dark Circles Under the Eyes 60
References 63
9 Malar Area: Correction of the Facial Negative Vector 65
9.1 Malar Fat Grafting 65
References 66
10 Nasolabial Folds and Labiomental Creases 67
10.1 Nasolabial Folds 67
10.2 Marionette Lines 67
References 70
11 Lips and Perioral Area 71
References 72
12 Mentoplasty and Mandibular Area 73
12.1 Mentoplasty 74
12.2 Lateral Mandibular Ridge Resorption 75
References 76
13 Nasal Lipofilling 77
References 79
14 Neck or Cervical Lipofilling 81
15 Facial Mesotherapy 83
References 85
16 Facelift 87
16.1 Inferiorly Pedicled Tongue-Shaped Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS) Flap Facelift 87
16.1.1 Infiltration of the Tumescent Solution 87
16.1.2 Neck contouring 88
16.1.3 Skin Undermining 90
16.1.4 SMASplasty 93
16.1.5 Skin Closure 94
16.2 SMAS Plication 100
16.3 SMASectomy 101
16.4 MACS Facelift(Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) 102
References 102

Part III. Clinical Case
17 Clinical Case 105
17.1 Clinical Case 1 105
17.2 Clinical Case 2 107
17.3 Clinical Case 3 108
17.4 Clinical Case 4 109
17.5 Clinical Case 5 110
17.6 Clinical Case 6 112
17.7 Clinical Case 7 113
17.8 Clinical Case 8 117 


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