Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine > Nuclear Medicine

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Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine > Nuclear Medicine

Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 9781447147022
저자명 Jones
출판사 Springer
출판년도 2013-01-01
정가 96,000원
판매가 86,400원
포인트 구매금액(추가옵션 제외)의 2%
배송비결제 무료배송

선택된 옵션

  • Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

304 page



Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine is a diagnostic modality which aims to image and in some cases quantify physiological processes in the body to highlight disease or injury. Within nuclear medicine, over the past few decades, major technological changes have occurred and concomitantly changes in the knowledge and skills required have had to evolve. One of the most significant technological changes has been the fusion of imaging technologies, to create hybrid systems such as SPECT/CT, PET/CT and PET/MR. With these changes in mind, Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine provides a handy and informative guide to the purchase, clinical implementation and routine use of a SPECT/CT scanner. Practical SPECT/CT in Nuclear Medicine will be a valuable resource for all personnel working in nuclear medicine and it will be of particular value to trainees


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