Atlas of Ultrasound and Anatomy: Facial Rejuvenation > 영상의학과

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Atlas of Ultrasound and Anatomy: Facial Rejuvenation > 영상의학과

Atlas of Ultrasound and Anatomy: Facial Rejuvenation 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 9781684204960
저자명 Steven Weiner
출판사 Thieme
출판년도 2024-11-10
판형 Softcorver ㅣ 1판 ㅣ 375pages
정가 192,000원
판매가 182,400원
도서상태 정상공급
포인트 구매금액(추가옵션 제외)의 2%
배송비결제 무료배송

선택된 옵션

  • Atlas of Ultrasound and Anatomy: Facial Rejuvenation (+0원)

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

An anatomically-informed guide on the use of ultrasound to elevate facial rejuvenation outcomes

Facial injection requires in-depth understanding of clinically relevant underlying anatomy. Until the recent introduction of ultrasound into the medical aesthetics space, soft tissue filler and neurotoxin injection relied upon the injector's experience and ability to navigate the face without direct vision of deeper structures. Atlas of Ultrasound and Anatomy: Facial Rejuvenation by internationally renowned facial rejuvenation experts Steven F. Weiner and Christopher C. Surek provides a high-yield anatomical guide on how to leverage ultrasound to optimize facial injection results.

This unique textbook is the culmination of hundreds of cadaver dissections, extensive literature reviews, and countless ultrasound images. Throughout four chapters, the authors share a wealth of knowledge garnered from decades of surgical and injection experience. The first chapter discusses how anatomical concepts can be applied to the various aesthetic subunits of the face to navigate desired targets and avoid potential danger zones. Chapters two through four present an immersive journey through layered anatomy of the upper, middle, and lower face, respectively, and the use of ultrasound to finesse techniques.

Key Features

  • Clinically relevant anatomy highlighting different facial layers and the symphony of structures that exist within them
  • Step-by-step guidance for utilizing ultrasound to prevent facial injection complications and improve patient outcomes
  • Beautiful medical illustrations and ultrasound images provide high-yield insights


This is an essential reference for facial injectors to sharpen their skills and perform precision facial rejuvenation procedures informed by ultrasound imagery.

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