A Practical Manual for Cisternostomy: Essentials for Young Neurosurgeons > 신경외과

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A Practical Manual for Cisternostomy: Essentials for Young Neurosurgeons > 신경외과

A Practical Manual for Cisternostomy: Essentials for Young Neurosurgeons 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

  • 9788197475887
저자명 Kodeeswaran M
출판사 Thieme
출판년도 2024-11-10
판형 Hardcorver ㅣ 1판 ㅣ 200pages
정가 85,000원
판매가 80,000원
도서상태 정상공급
포인트 구매금액(추가옵션 제외)의 2%
배송비결제 무료배송

선택된 옵션

  • A Practical Manual for Cisternostomy: Essentials for Young Neurosurgeons (+0원)
총 금액 : 80,000원

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

A Practical Manual for Cisternostomy: Essentials for Young Neurosurgeons is a first-of-its-kind book on this technique. This manual describes a common lifesaving procedure in head injury. Cisternostomy is a new concept for treating traumatic brain injuries. It has been evaluated by many surgeons around the world for more than a decade and it is expected to become an accepted method of treatment. This book will serve as a practical and comprehensive guide for young neurosurgeons and all practicing neurosurgeons.

Salient Features

  • The surgical technique and the physiology of cisternostomy represents a paradigm shift in neurosurgery.
  • This book has elaborated on that along with various perspectives and exciting future avenues this will open.
  • This book describes the history and philosophy of cisternostomy, anatomy of cisterns, indications of cisternostomy, procedure, nuances and complications, perspectives from surgeons around the world, literature evidence, and future perspectives on cisternostomy.


This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https: //medone.thieme.com.

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